Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Good morning everyone,

Here is a short video for you to watch about the affects of sugar on our bodies.

I'm sure we are all eating too much sugar without realising it, especially at the moment with the strange situation that we find ourselves in. 

After the video there are some questions for you to do; all work is to be sent to Laura.



1) Sugar is more addictive than what drug?

2) What brain activities are affected by sugar ? 

3) Giving up sugar leads to a decrease in which hormone?

4) High sugar intake raises the levels of what in the blood? 

5) Name two diseases linked to high sugar intake? 

6) Which of the five senses is affected by a high sugar intake? 

7) What skin condition is linked to a high sugar intake ?


Take care and stay safe😊


Monday, May 18, 2020


Good morning,

Here is a video for you to watch about simple machines. At the end of the video there is an activity for you to do. All completed work has to be sent to Amaya.

Take care and stay safe.

Monday, May 11, 2020

BIOLOGY with Laura 3B - The nervous system


Here is a short video to watch about the nervous system. After you have watched the video there are some questions to answer. All completed work is to be sent to your teacher Laura.

 I've also found two games for you to try. The games measure your reaction time to a visual or audio simulus. When you have played the games take a screenshot of your scores and send them to laura.


1) If you lined up all the neurons in a human body how long would they be?

2) How many neurons are there in a human brain?

3) How many nerve cells does a baby lose before it is born?

4) How many neurons are there in the spinal cord?

5) How much more white matter does a woman's brain have compared to a man's?

6) What vitamin is essential for your nervous system to function properly?  


Visual stimulus game:



 Audio stimulus game:



When I played the audio game I was an elephant 😆

I did better on the visual stimulus game, my age was 19! So I'm very happy with that 😂

I hope you liked them!!

Take care and stay safe.

Monday, May 4, 2020

ART with Pepe - 2A, 2B and 2C

Hi everyone,

Here is a video for you to watch, after you have watched the video click on the link below and answer the questions about what you have seen. All work is to be sent to your teacher, Pepe.

 I hope you like it!



Saturday, May 2, 2020

ART with Carmen - 1A, 1B and 1C


Here is a short video that you need to watch. Following the instructions that are on the video you need to create the drawing. All completed work must be sent to Carmen.

I hope you like it!

Monday, April 20, 2020

HISTORY with Miguel and Rosario 1B and 1C


Here is a short presentation that I have done on 'River Civilisations', at the end of the presentation there are some questions for you to answer. All completed work has to be sent to your teacher.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

TECHNOLOGY with Amaya 3B


Here is a video about plastic that I have made for you.  At the start of the video I tell you what work you have to do, all completed work has to be sent to Amaya 👌



Also, I found this video that you might find interesting !


Take care and stay safe 😉




Monday, April 13, 2020

BIOLOGY with Laura 3B


Here is a short video that you need to watch. After watching the video there are some questions that you need to answer. Also, there are two games for you to try and do, one on bones and one on muscles. They are in English, but I'm sure you will have no problem doing them. Once you have played the games take a screenshot of your score and the time it has taken you to do it. 

The answers to the questions and the two screeshots need to be sent to Laura for marking. Good luck!


1.) How many muscles are used to take a step?

2.) How many muscles are there in the body? 

3.) What are the 3 main muscle types?

4.) What percentage, (%), of the body's weight is made up from skeletal muscles?

5.) Where is the smallest muscle, the stapedius, in the body? 

6.) How long is the stapedius muscle?

7.) Approximately how many times does your heart beat in your life? 

8.) How much of your body's heat is created by muscles? 


 The bones game:



The muscle game:


Sunday, April 12, 2020


Hello everyone,

Here is the work in English that I have prepared for you. You will also find it on Dori's Google Classroom. All completed work must be sent to Dori, not me.
I hope you are all well. Take care!

Monday, March 30, 2020


Hope you are all well and not getting too bored stuck at home. Over the next few days I will start to post on this blog things in English for you.

See you soon! 😸