Monday, May 11, 2020

BIOLOGY with Laura 3B - The nervous system


Here is a short video to watch about the nervous system. After you have watched the video there are some questions to answer. All completed work is to be sent to your teacher Laura.

 I've also found two games for you to try. The games measure your reaction time to a visual or audio simulus. When you have played the games take a screenshot of your scores and send them to laura.


1) If you lined up all the neurons in a human body how long would they be?

2) How many neurons are there in a human brain?

3) How many nerve cells does a baby lose before it is born?

4) How many neurons are there in the spinal cord?

5) How much more white matter does a woman's brain have compared to a man's?

6) What vitamin is essential for your nervous system to function properly?  


Visual stimulus game:


 Audio stimulus game:


When I played the audio game I was an elephant 😆

I did better on the visual stimulus game, my age was 19! So I'm very happy with that 😂

I hope you liked them!!

Take care and stay safe.

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