Monday, April 13, 2020

BIOLOGY with Laura 3B


Here is a short video that you need to watch. After watching the video there are some questions that you need to answer. Also, there are two games for you to try and do, one on bones and one on muscles. They are in English, but I'm sure you will have no problem doing them. Once you have played the games take a screenshot of your score and the time it has taken you to do it. 

The answers to the questions and the two screeshots need to be sent to Laura for marking. Good luck!


1.) How many muscles are used to take a step?

2.) How many muscles are there in the body? 

3.) What are the 3 main muscle types?

4.) What percentage, (%), of the body's weight is made up from skeletal muscles?

5.) Where is the smallest muscle, the stapedius, in the body? 

6.) How long is the stapedius muscle?

7.) Approximately how many times does your heart beat in your life? 

8.) How much of your body's heat is created by muscles? 


 The bones game:


The muscle game:

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